
Could you tell me about the check-in time?

Check-in 15:00
※If there is a check-in time set according to the accommodation plan, that priority will be given.

Could you tell me about the check-out time?

Checkout 11:00
※If there is a check-out time setting according to your accommodation plan, that will take precedence.

When will the payment be made?

Please pay for it when you arrive.

Could you tell me about the accommodation?

Click here for the terms of accommodation.

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About the restaurant

Could you tell me about dinner time?

17:30 to 21:00 (last order 20:30)

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About transfer

Do you have a transfer?

There is a free shuttle bus service between JR Minabe Station and the hotel.
※Please make a reservation by 17 o'clock the day before. TEL : 0739-72-5500

For more information, please click here.

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Local Discovery

What kind of activities are there for local discovery?

There is a footbath that draws the hot water of Chiri-hama Beach Onsen (free guests).
From 14:00~20:00
※The contents of the activity are subject to change.

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